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Friday, November 22, 2013

Latin abbrv. & expression

Assalam Wonderers.. Some of latin words yang kita slalu guna~

Latin abbreviations
Abbrv. Latin trans./maksud
a.m. Ante Meridiem before midday
p.m. Post Meridiem after midday
etc. et cetera and the others /dll
e.g. exempli gratia for example /for instance
C.V curriculum vitae course of life /resume
M.O. modus operandi method of operating
p.a. per annum through a year
per cent per centum for each one hundred
P.S. post scriptum postscript /after writing
Q.E.D. quod erat demonstrandum which was to be demonstrated
vs versus against

Expressions / Phrases
Expressions/Phrases Trans/maksud
acta non verba Actions, not words
ad hoc to this/formed or done for a particular purpose only
agenda things to be done
bona fide genuine;real , Authentic
alias at another time, otherwise
alibi elsewhere
alma mater nourishing mother -- used to denote one's college /university
alumnus or alumna pupil (graduate or former student
alter ego the other I (double id)/trusted friend
habeas corpus You should have the body (mesti ada bukti)
in situ in the place
magnum opus great work (masterpiece)
persona non grata person not pleasing (unwanted person)
vice versa the other way around (conversely)