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Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Rice Poem (Chun Yang Hee) - Hangul and translation - Let's eat

Assalam wanderers.

Okey~ So this is my 1st Korean poem. Dalam drama yg Babu tgk tu dorg letak subtitle (translation) camni,

To you who used to eat a lot of rice because you are lonely.To you who sleep a lot because you are bored.To you who cry a lot because you are sad.I write this down.Chew on your feelings that are cornered like you would chew on rice.Anyway life is something that you need to digest.

Wlpn Babu ni nda reti baca Hangul kn, tapi still mcm nda sah kalau kita nda letak poem ni dlm tulisan rasmi dia. So, lepas selongkar2 dlm internet, Alhamdullilah~ Babu jumpa juga. 

Plus, I like this translation more.

밥 (천양희) - soompiRice (By: Chun Yanghee)
외로워서 밥을 많이먹는다던너에게To you, who eats because of the loneliness
권태로워서 잠을 많이잔다던 너에거To you, who sleeps because of the weariness
슬퍼서 많이 운다던 너에게 나는 쓴다To you, who cries because of the sadness, I write
궁지에 몰린 마음을 밥처럼 씹어라Consume a difficult situation as you would your rice
어차피 삶은 네가 소화해야할것이니까As you will have to overcome/swallow both.