no right cliQ

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The gardener and the butterfly's egg - a kindness that not in place

Assalam wanderers..

Found this on Facebook~ Quite old oredy, I think, but still I love to share it here.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Rice Poem (Chun Yang Hee) - Hangul and translation - Let's eat

Assalam wanderers.

Okey~ So this is my 1st Korean poem. Dalam drama yg Babu tgk tu dorg letak subtitle (translation) camni,

To you who used to eat a lot of rice because you are lonely.To you who sleep a lot because you are bored.To you who cry a lot because you are sad.I write this down.Chew on your feelings that are cornered like you would chew on rice.Anyway life is something that you need to digest.

Wlpn Babu ni nda reti baca Hangul kn, tapi still mcm nda sah kalau kita nda letak poem ni dlm tulisan rasmi dia. So, lepas selongkar2 dlm internet, Alhamdullilah~ Babu jumpa juga. 

Plus, I like this translation more.

밥 (천양희) - soompiRice (By: Chun Yanghee)
외로워서 밥을 많이먹는다던너에게To you, who eats because of the loneliness
권태로워서 잠을 많이잔다던 너에거To you, who sleeps because of the weariness
슬퍼서 많이 운다던 너에게 나는 쓴다To you, who cries because of the sadness, I write
궁지에 몰린 마음을 밥처럼 씹어라Consume a difficult situation as you would your rice
어차피 삶은 네가 소화해야할것이니까As you will have to overcome/swallow both.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Assalam wanderers.

Stress pagi2 disebabkan Si MAILER-DAEMON ni x sudah2 hantar email. Panik Babu. Ingatkan virus or kena hack. Nasib baik pakcik@makcik Google ada.

yahoo failure notice
Failure notice

In my case, Alhamdulillah bukan virus, bukan kena hack, wlpn sesetengah entri keep on persuading to change password.

1. Kenapa ada 'failure notice'?
*utk inform Email yg kita hntr tu di'reject' server. :'(

2. Kenapa ditolak?

 *Reason dia ada dalam email tu, tapi kalu rabun IT macam Babu ni, mmg semua kena search.

<>Remote host said: 550 cuda_nsu Mailbox '' unknown [RCPT_TO]

The failure reason is unrecognized or unknown email address.
Maksud ny email address tu tak wujud la kira ny. 

Haha.. Babu salah salin. 

3. Penyelesaian ny.

i. Cek typo sebelum simbol '@'
ii. Cek top level domain '.com','.net','.edu', etc.

*Babu recheck balik email tu (email.lecturer.sebenarnya), & ternyata memang salah. Tertinggal 2 karakter. @_@

For further reference try sini. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Lonely Tree's Song

Assalam wanderers~

Suddenly this poem keep appearing in my feed.

#the lonely tree's song by Raincrow

Oh, lonely old tree on top of the dead hill

Your bark is long withered but there you sit, forever still

Your branches all gnarled, splintered, and impossibly twisted

You are younger than the Earth, but as old as the oldest thing that's ever existed.

Above you the ravens fly

And let their sorrowful cries fill the sky

And somehow those ancient and wise birds know

Just how deep your treasured roots do grow.

And they fly, they soar

They let their song echo thru your branches forever more;

Oh, if only, if only the wind could feel the sun's sighs

And if only, if only the precious earth could hear the moon's soft cries

If only, if only the stars could look down and see

How the untamed mountains bow to every tree.

The Lonely Tree creaks and sighs

As he listens to the ravens' song and watches them soar in the endless skies

Boring shot :3

Friday, July 18, 2014

MH17 : MAS Statement

Assalamualaikum wanderers.

Bangun sahur td terus online konon ny mencari maklumat pasal perintah berkurung kat area tmpt LI skg ni. Pastu

I've stumble upon this tragedy. 

So mcm biasa Babu buka la laman web MAS. Memang buka² ja, terus dia mention pasal media statement on Flight MH17.

MAS media statement

Yg ni dari FB. 

Yupp~ I'm sure the MH17 will be hastagged frequently today n myb for the week. Even in IG oredy got more than 17k picture with this hashtag..

Sunday, June 29, 2014


Assalam wanderers.

Selamat menjalani ibadah puasa semua. Puasa kali ni mengingatkan Babu dgn puasa 2009. 1st day puasa, sahur di Kudat sungkai di Ranau. Bezanya kali ni ngan family, last tym dgn klazmet n kali ni destinasinya bukan di sini(Ranau) dan tujuannya bukan bercuti.

Memandangkan 1st tym drive area sini, mmg nmpk la kn sepenuhnya penggunaan teknologi disitu.

Disebabkan Babu baru lepas sahur n sungkai di 2 zon yg berbeza n esok bakal menjejak kaki 1st tym ny di zon yg laen, so disini Babu kongsikan screenshot waktu imsak n sungkai d 3 zon yg berlainan.

Waktu solat & imsak Zon 1 Sabah

Waktu solat & imsak Zon 5 Sabah

Waktu solat & imsak Zon 7 Sabah

Monday, June 23, 2014

Kembara Solution

Assalam wanderers~

Three down, two to go!! Mesti la finale Babu~

And tommorow is my 2nd last paper~ They said, last sem there were so many students failed this paper.. Even if they do survived the finale, most of them only manage to get C..

Woah!! The Terror.. I'm not a briliant child to begin with, and I mostly failed my papers before and the previous 3 already sap my confidence to even obtain atleast 2.00 for this sem.

So I've been on a journey since this morning~ What kind of journey? Journey for solutions of the spotted topic. T_T dan tiada keberhasilan. I already try to solve it by myself but I can't do it. And my karateka friend keep asking me to tutor her.. Plus my' familiar stranger' friend PM me for the same reason of my never ending journey.  :'( feeling quite useless actually~

And I am quite shameless when it comes to begging for others help.

And thats that~ My paper is 9.00 am tomorrow.. So, oyasumminasai..

Heee~ Someone called me 'Umi@Ummi'..
Soooooo happy.. Before this people usually call me Babu or Bu only.. the most 1st time!!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

UMP Goju Ryu Upgrading

Assalamualaikum wanderers~

Tooooootally excited for tomorrow.. Eventhough Babu nda grading pun besok tp seeing my family doing so is quite fulfilling already. Nda sabarnya mau tgk..

I wanna join too~ :'( just my luck~

Last Tym Grading
hah~ dun ask me who took the pic~ I must had been stalking into my family FB or sumthing~ credit <3 p="">Quite sad act, coz only a few of them will showing up tomorrow. All da best minna~ Gambare!!

#I'll get my blackbelt in the next upgrading# nantene~

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

collapse from the error

Assalam wanderers~

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when something turn out bad?

1. Ask yourself 'where did I do wrong?'

2. Stop defending yourself stop pointing to others

3. Accept then you can improve

#eventhough others made the mistake or err, we do have our own share in it.

Monday, May 12, 2014

The Difference

There is difference in goodwill and simply being rude.

Monday, March 24, 2014

24 March 2014 (10.00PM) : MH370 Berakhir di Lautan Hindi (PM statement)

I can't think of any words to describe this news.
Bila news feed FB penuh ngan MH370 tadi, I was expecting another false alarm (and i wish it to be just another speculation). Tapi Babu tak boleh cakap apa la, coz dua source yang Babu selalu buka bila ada false alarm tu, ada bagi statement pasal update kali ni.

Source: MH370 flight incident|Malaysia Airlines

Babu cari versi Bahasa tapi tak jumpa,

Source: Berita Harian Online
Jumpa pun yang ni ja la,
Source: Berita Harian Online


إِنَّا لِلّهِ وَإِنَّـا إِلَيْهِ رَاجِعونَ

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Video highlight #prayformh370

If we can't help, let's not make it worst

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Pray For MH370


Sunday, March 09, 09:30 AM MYT +0800 Malaysia Airlines MH370 Flight Incident - 7th Media Statement 
     Sepang, 9 March 2014: More than 24 hours after the lost of contact with Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, the search and rescue teams are still unable to detect the whereabouts of the missing aircraft.
    The airline is doing its utmost to provide support to the affected family members, this includes immediate financial aid.
     The airline has deployed a team of 94 caregivers consisting of well-trained staff and also Tzu Chi Foundation members to provide emotional support to the families. The airline will also be deploying another set of caregivers to Beijing later today.
   Last night, a Malaysia Airlines’ Senior Management team arrived at Beijing to address the media and met with family members. Families of affected passengers in Kuala Lumpur were also met by the team.
   Meanwhile, Malaysia Airlines will set up a command center at Kota Bharu, Malaysia or Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam as soon as the location of the aircraft is established and the airline will make the necessary arrangements.
    The airline is continuously working with the authorities in providing assistance. In fearing for the worst, a disaster recovery management specialist from Atlanta, USA will be assisting Malaysia Airlines in this crucial time.

It pains me when people lack their sensitivity and keep on saying this and that, just because we are here safely on the ground and they lost in the middle of nowhere. It shouldn't make we free to run our mouth as we like. As we have beloved ones and people who love us so do they. This occurrence though it is quit rare still have the possibilities to happen to us. I not saying I hope you'll experience it later, I pray this wont ever happen to you or your beloved 1 but please be more understanding. If you don't feel like praying for them, don't comment your heart out, don't let it hurt others, the reader may not your acquaintance but they maybe the victims family. Lastly, sebelum kita share apa-apa berita cek la dulu. Kesian kat family member dorg ni asyik tekejut ja baca sharing2 kita. Kata sharing is caring ni dah masuk Sharing is killing ni.


Saturday, March 8, 2014


Assalam, wanderer~

Terkejut jg Babu baca ni td.. Kebetulan tgh calling2 wif my mum masa terjumpa post ni, n she was like "macam mana boleh hilang?"
Hilang perhubungan~ Lost contact~

Babu search kat google dr td tp belum ada post yg mengatakan MH370 ni dah di'retrieve' or dikesan. So Babu pun buka la official site~

official link

Wall fb Babu penuh ngan post2 ni. But dun read the comment, u'll lost the heart to pray for them, n u'll start to filled wif anger.. Ya Allah, selamatkan lah penumpang2 flight ni. Ada 2 baby on board.

Public contact (family, friends)
Malaysia: +603 7884 1234

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Alone vs Lonely


What bring loneliness? Having accustomed with other presence too much.

Nothing we can do on that matter.
Sometimes they knock at your door, tell you to open up then shut it at your face.
Sometimes they act like they can't leave you alone, they care too much or maybe it's their nature. They feel saddened seeing people on their own island, so they cramp that place out of their kindness, filling every inch of people personal spaces then suddenly left, leaving loneliness as substitute.

That's why those who always been alone won't feel lonely. Maybe. Probably.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Hear yourself (Regret)

Assalam wanderers~

Just wanna share video yg Babu stumble upon td, sebelum Babu lupa apa yang terlintas difikiran semasa tengok video ni. N bila Babu lupa nti, I just need to revisit this post later. =)

Now, now~
Tengok lu sampai habis.
When we advice people does it because we care or because we feel better than others.
Does our advice@opinion help or crush them?
Is it finished once you're done? (yang penting aQ dh sampaikan@just because)
How many life has we make crumbling because of our WRONG approach?

I wish i've done better in the past~
Gommenne minna~ 

p/s: don't go judging people around you, for every being they are today probably because of you.