Assalam, minna~
Typing pagi2 buta lg.. Got some esaimen to do tp mau citer2 jap. Haha..
We got this 'sharing' thing in our u, where we r free to download any movie, video, song, series and and and anime~ ^^ So, tym boring dgn ketiadaan anime yg Babu belum tgk lg, Babu pun sj2 la dwld 1 episode utk citer
DUMMY MOMMY@바보 엄마@BABO EOMMA. Klu mau cuba test try tgk, sila2 ja la.. Citer ni best, lawak tp coz dia involve family matter kn, so touching sket la citer dia ( bkn sket, banyaaaaaak).
Ksian jg mata, tiap ary bengkak bap menghayati citer, tp siyes touching. *N i tot i see sum1 flinching wen i start to cry juz bcoz drama or anime (seriously)*.
Haha, wen i was 5, my granny used to tell my some folk stories@folktale or called as 'tangon' in our language.
Luvang Tunkiak@The Tungkiak Hole-Rungus folktale. It was about a little child that juz learnt to talk and walk, asking his@her mom to breastfeed her, but the mom doesnt care enough for she was busy with work. the mom u noe, sitting just at the balcony processing paddy into rice, which is pretty hard. Each tym the child ask her, she will tell the child to run to the neighbor house to ask for something she want. then, like other tale, after being told to ask the neighbor several tym, lastly on the way home sumting happens, the child toe got stuck in small hole. So she called out for her mom, asking to be fed. The mom say 'later child'. The hole then getting bigger and swallowed the child till her ankle, she called out again and got the same answer. As tym passed, the hole getting bigger, calf,knee,bottom,waist,chest,shoulder, neck, the child kept calling and still being ignored. When the hole finally swallowed the child head, the mom work also finish, so she called her child saying she'll feed the child now her work has done. But there are no answer anymore, she start seeking her child and finally found the child hair that still havent swallowed yet. She start to cry and kept saying she feed her so the child can come back. But there is only a tiny voices that can be heard, singing of how her mother didnt feed her and the child was 'kempunan'@'nopuhunan'@geting a bad luck for didnt get what she want(usually about food)-the people that nopuhunan usually can get into accident, or worst of all die. The mom try to dig her child up but the hole juz keep getting smaller by second. the father then came back, and the mother ask him to dig their child out but there is nothing left the, even the singing was gone.
I cry my eyes out that tym, saying that the child is so pitiful. But other than sad & touching story, im pretty tough.
Enough story let me show you some screen capture,
jaaaa~ at the begining i was sumkind of lost, but it getting exciting by episodes..