no right cliQ

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Lapor Diri Personel MySTEP

Assalamualaikum wanderers.

In case ada yang tercari² senarai dokumen yang perlu dibawa untuk lapor diri, boleh rujuk senarai di bawah untuk mengelakkan keserabutan >< 

Disclaimer: dokumen mungkin berbeza bergantung kepada jabatan, ini cuma 'rough check list'

Personel MySTEP E19

1. Surat tawaran perkerjaan
2. Salinan buku akaun (2)*
3. Penyata KWSP (2)*
4. Salinan surat beranak*
5. Sijil Tamat Persekolahan*
6. Sijil SPM*
7. Resume
8. Caruman PERKESO*
9. Sijil Digital Vaksinasi*
10. Gambar Passport
11. Salinan Kad Pengenalan (2)*


Kalau ada orang rujukan dari jabatan lebih baik. Babu dapat info masa lapor diri, surat beranak ada di kampung🥲 tapi itu mungkin cuma Babu😆 I believe everyone is better than me.. 

I hope this reaches you guys before you report for duty.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Clump of selfishness

Assalamu'alaikum Wanderers.

I start today with full of uncertainties.
I take the day with full of overwhelming giddiness.
And I end the day set with the knowledge that I am but a clump of selfishness.

@@would it hurt if I ask others how their life have been since TT_TT

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Welcoming back the old job seeker

Assalamu'alaikum, wanderers.

It's been 3 days since I resigned from my 6 months old (more or less) job. So, I found out I'm still as hopeless as 'the me' 20 years ago. But no, I don't regret a single thing. Because it would be a lie to say things like if only I could get one more chance at it I would do differently. If I really could, I should have done it. No drama. What's left is to salvage whatever I can and strengthen whatever left of myself.

Though, I am a bit sceptical of myself of when will I collect enough spirit to claw out of here. For this cave once closed gets really dark and the way out usually dragged too far and high.

Yepp. I am old with little wisdom, but that's nothing new. What I need to overcome is what comes with age, the listlessness and fragility.

This sounds darkish but oh well mood is like the weather. Everything goes. ><

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Online Exam : PKTU SPA 2017

Assalamu'alaikum wanderers..

Exam after all of these passive years.. Yeepp! I am totally burned out. Conclusion, I'm way too ignorant. ==

Anyway, I'll type the questions here (several ques that leaves deep impression to me, and I mean #deep) . In case someone, somewhere in the future want to know what kind of question to expect (even though, I think there are already too many post about it). 

Bahagian A (50 Soalan)

  1. Fasa kritikal bagi juruterbang?
  2. Penumpang yang kehilangan bagasi hendaklah diberi pampasan oleh syarikat penerbangan sekiranya?
  3. Manakah antara berikut bukan merupakan sekolah latihan penerbangan?
  4. Pilih pernyataan yang salah bagi kod lapangan terbang ICAO dan IATA
  5. Tumpuan perlaksanaan Dasar Ekonomi Baru
  6. Pernyataan yang benar mengenai SL1M
  7. 5 teras strategik dalam Pelan strategik ICT
  8. Pengawal trafik udara perlu lulus peperiksaan kesihatan kelas ____
  9. Golongan layak BR1M
  10. Teras NKRA
  11. Kod transponder jika pesawat di rampas oleh pengganas
  12. Maksud LTE (internet)
  13. Kaedah alternatif komunikasi sekiranya pengawal trafik udara tidak dapat menghubungi melalui sistem radio?
  14. Pernyataan yang benar mengenai pameran LIMA
  15. Had masa mengemukakan aduan pertukaran penerbangan kepada Suruhanjaya Penerbangan Malaysia
  16. Rimau Sukan Sea
  17. VHF SHF
  18. Konsep inisiatif hijau Sukan Sea
  19. Dasar penswastaan
  20. Dasar Langit Terbuka

Bahagian B (45 Soalan)

  1. Selepas menjual sebuah kereta 3/5 daripada harga kos, Sara menyedari dia kerugian RM5000. Berapakah harga jualan kereta Sara?
  2. 40% daripada suatu nombor ditambah 42, hasilnya adalah nombor itu sendiri. Apakah nombor itu?
  3. 25% pendapatan untuk bayaran sewa rumah, 45% untuk ansuran kereta dan sebanyak 40% daripada baki untuk sara hidup. Jika baki sebanyak RM540, berapakah jumlah pendapatan bulanan?

#All the best
##Googling while answering should be your last resort wanderers ><
###Spoken from experience by yours truly, please don't repeat this shameless ignorant attitude..

Monday, November 30, 2015

The Road We Chose

Assalam wanderers..

Credit to owner

Saw this on my timeline. A very nice saying. Sometime we judge too much. Life too have 360 deg view. If your opinion won't be any help to overcome or to improve then can we just keep it as your secret opinion and for you only.

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Daffodils [I wandered lonely as a Cloud] - Wordsworth

Assalam wanderers..

Just sharing this beautiful poem by Wordsworth. It's all thanks to my choral speaking year that I came to know this lovely piece. Never know this poem has two version. The one that we recite is actually one of the revision of the original version.